Cleaning Instructions
Only use a 100% cotton cloth when cleaning your Magnabrite®, so you do not scratch it! You can use any ammonia-free glass cleaner without damaging your magnifier. Never use Kleenex or paper towels, which are made from wood and will scratch your Magnabrite®.
Service and Repolishing
We can remove most scratches and dings (depending on severity) with our polishing service. Email us at with a description of your polishing needs and a photo of your dome for evaluation prior to sending in your magnifier!
51mm (2") domes: $9.95 + Shipping
64mm (2 1/2") domes: $9.95 + Shipping
89mm (3 1/2") domes: $12.50 + Shipping
115mm (4 1/2") domes: $17.50 + Shipping